Let me explain what I mean when I say that I made Christ Lord of my life. When I first asked Christ to save me I didn't quite realize that in doing so I was making Him Master and Lord of my life and I was to obey Him and live for Him. I thought of salvation as an escape from Hell for a while. After my salvation, I still lived for me and did what I wanted for the most part. I went to public school and acted just like the rest of the kiddos. It wasn't until 6th grade that I began to take a small stand for God and decided to dress modestly. I was teased lots for doing so and I reacted in a very ungodly way. I did however read Scripture in school and talk to some fellow students about God. I know that God used me in 6th grade; He was changing me into His image.
It was after I got out of the public school and began homeschool that God began to work on me and teach me that He was in charge of my life now. I remember laying in bed at night thinking I wasn't a Christian because I still sinned. I was so afraid of going to Hell and afraid that I didn't pray the prayer right or something. So I went to my Dad after a month of fretting over this and told him my troubles. He said that the best thing to do would be to pray again. I felt reassured of my salvation and never doubted it again after this.
Now I know that what I was really doing was surrendering, because I know that I was saved; I didn't have to pray a perfect prayer. Salvation isn't in a prayer; Salvation is repentance of sin. I had repented of my sin and this time I was giving the Lord my life and realizing that I belonged to Him and must do His will and not my own.