Friday, May 22, 2015

It's All About Christ!

It's All About Christ!

I bow before you, Lord, and You alone!
Ashamed of my rebellion,
And ashamed of my sin.
Lord, don't let this sin reign within.
For I bow before You and You alone!

There is none like You, Oh my Saviour!
You are full of mercy, grace, and love.
You sent Your Only Begotten Son from above.
You are so gentle, and compassionate as a dove.
For there is no one like You, Oh my Great Saviour!

You are all I need, Dearest Lord.
Nothing else can satisfy!
Everything else please help me to deny!
On You and You alone may I only rely!
For You are all I need, most Dearest and Most Wonderful Lord!

I thank You my Amazing Lord!
Thanks for everything that You do!
All I desire to do is to worship You!
Thanks for Your love, joy, peace, and longsuffering too!
For all this I thank You, Amazing and Most Gracious Lord!

I love and thank You for Your Holy Word!
It contains great verses, such as James 4:4, to help one when the spirit and flesh are at war.
It is more than just a book that gets to a problems core,
And that shows one the ultimate cure.
For I love and thank You for Your Most Holy and True Word!

Copyrighted 2008 By: Elizabeth Anne Shull

The Christian Life

The Christian Life 

The Christian life can be quite hard,
Because the lustful things just cannot be barred.

You travel not knowing where to go or what to do,
And often times you need a break to take out the rocks in your shoe.

Sometimes you get discouraged and want to quit;
Sometimes things just don't seem to fit.

You make wrong choices and get into a mess,
And you become weighed down with much distress.

Though hard, you can be glad,
That Jesus is there to help you when you are sad.

He'll never leave you for He's always near,
That's why there is no need to fear.

He may seem so far away,
But in your heart He will always stay.

You can call on Him whenever you need,
And on His Word, you can always feed.

So, when you are deep, deep down in the dumps,
Remember that Jesus is able to take away life's lumps.

On Him you can always depend,
Because His grace and faithfulness, they have no end.

Copyrighted 2007 By: Elizabeth Anne Shull

Truths of Life

Truths of Life
Sometimes life seems so confusing!
Things happen that I only wish I could understand!
I know God sends trials to help us, but often times I don’t know how they really help me!
I find myself asking the well known “Why this, Why that” questions more and more!

Why does my life seem to be falling apart!
Why can’t I obey my Savior and do as He says!
Why do I always want to run away from problems but never can!
Why do my emotions always get the best of me!
Why am I so selfish and full of misery!

Nothing seems to fit, I feel like I can’t go on anymore!
I get weighed down with discouragement and just want to quit!
I think and do things that I regret!
Oh, please someone tell me what is going on, I seem to shout inside!

Yes, all of the above thoughts seem to flood my mind, but that is only because my eyes are not where they should be.

When I look at God’s perspective of the truth of life and how He views my life, all those uncertain questions and worries turn around to something quite different and much more encouraging.

Life may be confusing, but I can trust in God!
God understands everything that goes on in my life and gives me the grace to carry on!
God sends me trials to build me up and make me strong!
When I have so many “why’s” God always answers them in His time.
When nothing seems to fit, God gives me the courage and strength to follow on!
When I get weighed down and discouraged, God always sends something or someone to brighten my day!
When I think and do things that I shouldn’t, My Savior always forgives me and so willing forgets my sins!

Yes, my God can turn my night to day!! He’s my great Encourager and Leader into the right and most perfect way!!

Copyrighted 2009 By: Elizabeth Anne Shull

My Great God

My Great God

Lord, here I am a sacrifice
Trying to do things that are nice;

Trying to serve you
In everything I do.

My greatest desire is to be
A girl with a heart for Thee!

I want You to be pleased with my life
And someday, I hope to be a good wife.

I’m looking into the future and it’s quite a fog;
I’m frightened what lies ahead and scared of what may be divulged

Lord what am I to do?
Well, I suppose I should just trust in You.

Things may seem hard and rough,
But my God is able to make me tough!

He gives us a purpose to live;
And His grace He is more than willing to give!

He can turn our weary days glad
And make us happy when we’re sad!

My God gives me strength each and every day,
And directs me into His perfect way.

Why He cares for me so much I cannot tell,
I just can’t understand why he doesn’t just let me perish in Hell.

But though I cannot understand it,
I am quite thankful he doesn’t let me perish in that horrible pit.

My God truly is an awesome One!
I’m just so grateful to Him for everything He has done!

Copyrighted 2008 By: Elizabeth Shull

My Truest Love ~ Jesus

My Truest Love ~ Jesus

You are always there
To hear my every care,
And all my burdens to bear.

Though others may fail,
I know you will always prevail;
Even when the Devil’s on my tail.

You are my constant daily guide,
And You’re always by my side,
I know You will provide!

No matter what I do,
You will walk with me through and through,
For You are always faithful and true.

When I pray,
You always show me Your way.
What more can I say?

Copyrighted 2007 By: Elizabeth Anne Shull

The Accuser Vs The Defender

The Accuser Vs The Defender

Day after day,
As we go on our way,
We’ve got someone following us.

Causing us to cry,
Making us feel like we want to die,
He’s out there to discourage us.

Filling us with much care,
Causing our hearts to tear,
He even turns our friends against us.

Satan stands before our Lord just to say,
“How can you call that your child anyway?

From temptations he can’t even flee.
Why don’t you just hand him over to me?”

But we’ve got nothing to fear,
For Jesus, our Savior is very near.
He’s there to defend us.

Reminding God that He Himself died before His Father’s face
And saved us with His Amazing Grace.
He did and does all this just because He loves us.

Showing us He is the way
And with Him we cannot dismay,
He is a perfect guide for us.
Copyrighted 2008 By:Elizabeth Anne Shull

You Had Everything

You Had Everything

(a poem of God’s sorrow for a backsliding child)

How could you leave when you had everything?
When you had Me, on Whom you could always cling?

How could you turn your back on the One Who gave you life?
For now your days are full of much strife.

Can’t you turn around and see,
How much I have given thee?

You were so blessed,
But now you’re in an awful mess.

Oh, please return to Me,
And I will forever make you happy.

I’ll forgive you of your sin,
And a new round we will begin.

I’ll restore unto you the joy of your salvation,
And again be your great inspiration.

Our fellowship we can renew,
But it is entirely up to you.

Copyrighted 2007 By: Elizabeth Anne Shull

Now You're Gone

Now You're Gone

Oh, I will never ever forget,
That wonderful day we met!

Oh, we were friends, friends so dear,
With you around, I had nothing to fear.

You took away those dreary days,
And helped me through life’s stormy maze!

For then you were here, but now you’re gone,
But your memory still lingers on.

I’ll never forget your gentle touch
And how it meant, oh so much.

And your smile and loving eyes
How they never told me lies.

Oh, and your laugh was oh so fine,
Especially when you stayed up after nine!

The precious words you spoke to me
To make me glad and shine with glee.

When you were here, but now you’re gone,
But your memory still lingers on.

Oh, what a sad, sad day,
When the Lord took you away!

But you’ll be with me as long as I live,
As many days as God sees fit to give.

I cannot wait to meet you there,
Way up there way in the air.

As I remember I’m filled with tears,
As I think of all those years

That you were here, but now you’re gone,
But your memory still lingers on.

Copyrighted 2007 By: Elizabeth Anne Shull



God lives inside me,
He took away all my sin and agony!
He loves me so dear,
And is always a mighty help when I am prone to fear!

Someday I shall live in a heavenly place!
Someday I shall behold my Savior’s glorious face!
Someday I’ll live with my wonderful Lord for eternity!
Someday I’ll run to Him and thank Him for everything He has done for me!
Someday my great Savior will rule and reign forever!
Someday we shall walk in heaven together!
Someday He and I will never leave each other’s side!
Someday I will love no one else beside!

Someday I will have eternal victory over sin!
Someday I’ll be perfect, white, and all clean within!
Someday my flesh will be dead!
Someday my spirit shall reign and by it only will I be lead!
Someday Satan will never ever influence me!
Someday from him I shall forever be free!

Someday heaven will be my eternal home!
Someday I’ll have a mansion of my very own!
Someday I’ll walk on streets of gold!
Someday I will never grow old.
Someday I will be completely changed!
Someday my entire being will be rearranged!

By faith, I believe these “Someday’s” will come to pass!
By faith, I believe I will be home at last!

Copyrighted 2009 By: Elizabeth Anne Shull

Where Are The Real Christians?

Where Are The Real Christians?

Why are so many Christians falling into sin?
How can they be so content with having no peace within?
They are so deceived to think that the world can even help them
When God’s way is their only hope or gem.
They are content to be a Christian on Sundays alone,
And forget all about Christ while they are on their way home.
Hypocrites for Christ are who they really are,
For that’s what others see when they behold them from afar.
Making wrong choices they see as a fun and silly game,
While all their loved ones are burdened and looked upon with unbearable shame.
They follow the Devil’s crowd every single day,
And they don’t even care that they are throwing their very lives away!
They are the very people giving “true Christians” a bad name,
And even worse they are putting the name and Gospel of Christ to a horrible shame.
They cannot stand for the Savior for even a single minute
For they are so selfish and will not even admit it!
Too many so called “Christians” today just are not worthy of the title;
They spend too much time being insincere and idle.
Who is on the Lord’s side?
Who will choose the narrow way rather than the wide?
Come, Christians, stand up for the One Who died for your wretched soul!
Stand for the very One Who made you completely whole!!
Don’t be selfish and insincere!
Christians, I have I made myself clear?
Die to your rotten flesh and follow the God who is real!!
Give up that sin, because your life it is trying to steal!
Don’t be the hypocrite that so many are content to be!
Love the Lord with all your heart, soul, and mind and walk in true sincerity!
Warn the world about the truth of Hell!!
Come on, Christians, get up and tell, tell, tell!!
Show the world that God is in you
And let them know that they can have Him too!!
Forsake the world and choose the Lord!!
I guarantee you will never get bored!
Choose you this day whom ye will serve!
If you choose your little idols, than that’s what you deserve!

Copyrighted 2009 By: Elizabeth Anne Shull

God's Marvelous Works

God's Marvelous Works

The things that God allows me to go through I do not always understand,
But I know that everything is held in His mighty hand.

God is sovereign over all
And He does not desire His to see children fall.

God brings things into our lives to show us that He is real,
God gives us joy that no one or anything can ever steal.

He works things out all for our own good,
Even when we do not do all the things we should!

Sometimes I look at something and it looks quite wrong,
Then God turns it around and before I know it, I break out into a song.

The wonderful works of God are far above my finite mind,
I cannot express their amazing design.

So, now I know that when something comes into my life that I do not understand,
I am to always put my trust in my Lord’s loving hand.

Copyrighted 2009 By: Elizabeth Shull

My Life is Your's, Lord

My Life is Your's, Lord

Every dream, plan, wish, I myself deny.
I will follow You til the day I die.

Never turning aside to focus on another
We will have sweet communion with each other.

I only want You in my daily meditation,
Nothing earthly to distract me from Your sweet consolation.

All I have or ever will have, I lay at Your feet.
With You as my guide, I will see no defeat.

Everything You’ve given me, I hand right back,
Because I am sure to mess things up and I’m even surer to slack.

My life is Thine, come sorrow, agony and pain.
For from this world I have nothing to gain.

I’ll take up my cross and follow Thee.
From worldly pleasure I will utterly flee.

I give up my life to follow You and You alone,
And I’ll see Your face when I enter my Heavenly home.

You created me to bring glory to You,
So this I will humbly do.

I’ll forsake this world and all its pleasures
And seek rather heavenly treasures.

Though I may never marry,
Though many burdens I may have to carry,

Though I may lose my family and friend
I will love you with everything I have and ever will have until the bitter end.

Copyrighted 2009 By: Elizabeth Anne Shull

Victory Through Christ

Victory Through Christ

Often times, Lord I do not trust in Your care!
Too many times have I forgotten that You are present everywhere!

I trust in my human flesh rather than seeking You!
I doubt that You are my daily provider and that You love me no matter what I do!

I am quite a dumb child, as dump as a sheep you see,
But I am so very thankful that you are the Good Shepherd and are ever giving mercy!

I have coveted the things of this world and envied the wicked, too.
And for this reason I am discouraged and exceedingly blue.

I am always reminded of the fact that I am, well, human!
I seem to be taking things upon myself and doing more than I really can!

Life is becoming more real to me through every passing day.
I will never understand why it is so hard for me to obey!

I can be quite selfish even to the point that I long to be in Heaven,
But then the Lord reminds me that I am supposed to be a fisher of men.

I just hate how life causes one to be so tied to the things of this earth
And how it’s just so full of things that have so little worth!

Lord, forgive this unworthy servant of Yours for being so very forgetful of who you are!
Help me to remember that this world will never take me very far!

Forgive me for my unfaithfulness
And living in such foolish unrighteousness!

Forgive me for allow the distractions in this life to take control
And for not being entirely faithful in my Christian role!

Lord, more than anything, I have learned the weakness of myself
And that trusting in me will never gain me any kind of spiritual wealth!

Lord, help me to wake up each morning thanking you for everything!
May I always, no matter what, remember you are the reason that I sing!

May I remember the things I have learned and allow them to reach my stubborn heart.
Lord, help me to run to you first and foremost when I am falling apart!

Lord, by your matchless grace, I will serve You for Who You are and all You’ve done
And someday be pleased to hear You say “Well done, for the victory is won.”

Copyrighted 2010 By: Elizabeth Shull

Old and Forgotten Thoughts

Old and Forgotten Thoughts

You need not sit around and pout
About things that just don’t seem to work out.

Forget the plans that you make,
For by them your very life could surely break.

Don’t allow anything to cover your Savior’s face,
You know you can make it with His amazing grace!

Do what He’s told you to do now.
Ask Him for help, if you just don’t know how.

Get your mind off the future, for it is vain.
You never know what may come after the rain.

Remember that everything comes into your life for a good reason,
And know everything has its perfect season.

God knows what you are going though this very day.
And He wants to lead you into His perfectly wonderful way.

Trust the plan that God has for you even when you want to cry.
Even though it seems quite hard to have faith, God has a multiple supply.

Wisdom cometh from above,
And God sends in down with His manifold love.

All you have to do is ask,
And He will take care of this simple task.

Look at all the times He’s been faithful to you,
Even when you failed to do the things you should do.

Do you really think He’s finished working in your life?
Do you honestly believe He has no purpose for this strife?

Are your thoughts the thoughts that God would have you think?
Do you have the mind of Christ or is it letting off a terrible stink?

May you be encouraged to follow Christ with your whole heart!!
May God bring you to the point where from Him, you never want to part!!

Copyrighted 2010 By: Elizabeth Anne Shull

Send Me!

Send Me!

Lord, this is my plea…
Here am I, please send me!
Send me to a people blinded by sin,
To a people that have no real peace within!
Let me be Your servant to share Your wonderful news!
Let me be that unworthy vessel through whom you can use!

Lord, I’ll intercede on the Lost’s behalf.
I’ll tell them the Truth though they may laugh.
I’ll suffer persecution even for just one soul.
Lord, I’ll do anything to see a sinner made whole!
I will not stand by
And watch a nation eternally die!

Lord, use me now where I am
And then lead on and I’ll follow as a helpless, trusting lamb.
Lord, hold off the judgment, I pray!
I’m willing to stand in the way!
Help me see the world through Your eyes!
Give me patience and make me wise!
I’ll follow Your leading day by day
Lord, just keep on opening the doors and showing me Your perfect way!

 Copyrighted 2010 By: Elizabeth Anne Shull   

Lord, Make Me and Break Me

Lord, Make Me and Break Me
Thoughts from 2 Tim. 2
 If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and
meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work. 2 Timothy 2:21

Lord, make me thankful in all things.
Make me thankful in all that life brings.
Cause me to bless You and praise You for the trials that You send.
Cause me to praise You for the waiting that seems to never end.  

Lord, make me focus only on You,
Though there is so much around me that wants my attention, too.
You never promised me an easy life, but You have promised to give me Your grace
To run this long, often tiring, and seemingly unending race.

Lord, make me a faithful soldier to endure the cross,
Help me to remember to count all things but loss.
Keep my lips from complaining when Your gift is something I don’t understand.
Help me to remember that it’s from a loving hand.

Lord, make me love you more than anything or anyone,
Help me remember what it costs to follow after your Son.
Cast down any idol that I may set up in my heart.
Oh! How I long to be all Your’s; to be completely and entirely set apart.

Lord, make me be tender and full of compassion.
Give me a love for those that don’t deserve it; give a passion.
Help me to keep in mind just how unloving I am.
Make me to be gentle with them as I would be with a lamb.       

Lord, just make me what You want me to be,
Open my eyes and cause them to see
Your holiness and my short-comings; and the way You’d have me walk. 
Open this mouth of mine and cause it to preach, teach, and talk.

Lord, just take me and mold me into Your vessel
Unto honor and sanctified as Your useful tool. 
I am your child and though stubborn I may be,
I am quite certain You are able to break and to shape me.

Copyrighted 2011 By: Elizabeth Anne Shull                                                                                                                                                

Simply Waiting on God

Simply Waiting on God
I often ask the Lord “Will my waiting ever end?”
When will you work this out and my trouble mend?

Will it be today? Tomorrow? A year from now?
Lord, I wanna be patient, but I just don’t know how

I know your time is best,
But on you I just can’t seem to rest.

I can’t get my mind off of what I want and my timing.
My focus is wrong and I feel as though I will never reach the top though I am always climbing.

God, You’ve shown me something You’ve promised to do.
And I am so impatient to wait on you.

Lord, You’ve taught me so much in all this waiting,
Yet, I spend so much time debating!

Lord, I need to trust and be thankful.
Lord, I know you are always faithful

Sometimes I feel like the waiting is going to kill me.
But it hasn’t yet; it just won’t let me be!

Lord, help me to stop walking by my own sight.
Lord, I need to remember that you are the pathway that leads me in the right.

I know my waiting will never end for I will always be waiting for something.
But it sure is wonderful to know that I can trust you in everything!

Copyrighted 2011 By: Elizabeth Anne Shull