Some people don't get the opportunity to come into the world and have the "easy life"; some come into it expecting joy only to experience so much sorrow. There are some people whom the world literally breaks. They don't see sin as a toy to play with. They see death; they've experienced the hurt. They might not know the word for it, but they know evil when they see it and they hate it because evil kills. They've experienced sin's destruction first-hand. Sin destroyed them.
Some children are victims of their parents' sins. Some children had pain inflicted on them because their parents didn't know God or didn't even have a moral code. Someone's gotta be there for children like that. They don't deserve the life they got. They didn't choose it. Why should they have to pay for the sins of their fathers and mothers? Aren't they the innocent ones? Shouldn't someone care? Shouldn't someone have compassion enough to inconvenience their "own" life and open up their hearts to the broken? A broken child turns into a broken adult which turns into a broken society. Someone's gotta care. Someone's gotta reach these children and share the Gospel with them because that's the only way they can be different from their parents. That's the only way they can stop the trend. Children like these need help. They need a loving hand to guide them. They need someone to finally take notice of them and care. God is the only one who can fix the broken and someone's gotta have the heart to follow God's command and go reach the children and give them a better chance at life.
I was a broken child and someone cared for me. Someone finally saw me and I am much better off because of it. I've got a story to tell now; I've a got a story that can bring God glory because He did the impossible in my life. But He used a person, no several people, to do it. God could do this again for someone else, if only one of His people would care.
Isaiah got the opportunity to reach a child in Steelton today, because he went out. He obeyed God's call. He was faithful to sit and wait even though it looked like no one was coming. God sent him a little child because Isaiah was faithful. I'm so glad I married a man who cares for the broken.