Dec. 4, 2020
About 6 months ago, I made the decision to start therapy sessions and I'm so glad that I did. Therapy always gets such a bad rap, but sometimes it is necessary. And for me it really was.
It took me through some very deep valleys. It made me face demons I thought I had defeated long ago. It brought things up I never realized I had a problem with.
But what it has done more than anything is it's brought me closer to the God I know and love. I was angry at Him for a long time. I was ready to throw in the towel. I questioned everything I believed in. I questioned God's character, His love, my faith. It was a long, often dark, battle through some deep trenches, but today that particular battle has come to an end. Today, I stand at the end of it knowing and believing who my God is and not questioning His character. I standing feeling His love for me more than ever and ready to proclaim as I have done so many times before that My God is Good. His character does not change because of circumstances. His love for me does not lessen because I'm angry with Him. I stand in victory to say that my Faith in Him is real and unwavering.
Today was my last therapy session. I feel free in so many senses of the word. I have the tools I need to keep fighting battles I am sure I will face in the future. I have a renewed sense of who God is and who He created me to be. Freedom is the perfect word for it.
I want to encourage anyone who has been wondering if therapy is right for them or who has really been wanting to try it out. Maybe you've been on the fence about it for a long time. Take that next step. You are worth it. God just might have a victory to work in you through it.
I recommend this website as this has been the counseling ministry that God has used to bless and change me:
~ Lizzie
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