Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Levi's Birth Story

Levi Azariah was born in October of 2015 at 1:45pm. He weighed 9 lbs 11 oz and was 21 inches long. He was (so far) my longest and hardest labor of about 14 hours.

Labor began Wednesday at 11pm. I had at least 3 crazy contractions within that hour, but I was so tired that I just went to the bathroom each time and then laid back down. 

Then at midnight I had another contraction and I was just going to stay in bed, but Isaiah insisted that I get up and walk because he believed that Levi was coming. I was doubtful, but I did get up and contractions became strong and steady. While I was working through them in a rocking chair in our Nursery, Isaiah called Dr. Abbott to get him on the way and then he called our friend Angie Stout. Things were still progressing pretty well. Meanwhile, Isaiah called his Mom to have her pick up Nehemiah and Valiant. Mom and Stephen came, woke the boys, who got up really well, and left with no problem. Shortly after they left, Dr. Abbott arrived and then Angie. Dr. Abbott checked me and I was at 5cm. After Dr. Abbot and Angie arrived, my contractions slowed down pretty dramatically. Dr. Abbott checked me two more times and both times I had not progressed. I remained at 5cm from 12 midnight until 5 am, so Dr. Abbott suggested that we go to the hospital because I was having Dysfunctional Labor and it was better to be safe than sorry. Isaiah was very disappointed, but in the moment, I really didn't mind. I think I was just happy that Levi would be born soon. (Looking back, I believe I just got stage fright when everyone started showing up and didn't feel safe enough to have Levi. I also believe that he was rushed out and just wasn't ready to come yet.) 

We traveled about an hour to the hospital and got there around 6 am. They induced me with 2 doses of Pitocin around 8 am. When I got this amount with Valiant, things moved right along, but not this time. This labor was very long and slow; my cm's took forever. I was taken up to a total of 12 doses of Pitocin in all. It was brutal. 

When I was at 7cm, Dr. Abbott broke my water. When I was told that I was at only 7cm, I was so very tired and sooo disappointed that I wasn't at 10cm yet. I looked up at the clock and it read 1pm. I then began begging the Lord for the labor to be over before 2pm. Dr. Abbott came to check me again and said I was 8cm. I told myself that I only had 2 more to go and begged God for the strength to keep going because I was so exhausted. 

Well, God answered my prayer rather quickly, because I never made it to 10cm. Shortly after being told I was 8cms, I felt a very strong urge to push. So I did and it took 3 pushes and Levi was out. I was so relieved!!! Those 3 pushes were so encouraging because my body was so done. I tore a very little bit and had to get stitched up, but it wasn't as bad as my two previous births. I was OVER-JOYED to have Levi in my arms! We stayed at the hospital until a bit after 7pm and got home around 9pm. Isaiah's Mom kept the boys another night; Nehemiah and Valiant met their new brother the next morning. They were both so thrilled to meet him. It was such a special moment when they held him for the very first time.

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