Monday, March 1, 2021

New Years

 January 1, 2021 

πŸ₯‚ Been waiting for inspiration for my New Year's Gushy Post and it came today. Nothing huge or profound, but a great reminder. πŸ₯‚

The little things...I feel like we take those for granted. 

If y'all haven't seen Disney's Soul movie, watch it. It's got me thinking about priorities and perspective. 🀯

⏰πŸ³πŸ΄πŸ‘—πŸ›Œ As an artist, it's easy to get disenchanted with everyday life. It's easy to feel like some things are just a waste when I could be drawing, singing, writing songs, painting etc... πŸ–‹πŸŽ€πŸŽΉπŸŽΆπŸ–Œ

But you know, every-day life is so beautiful. And I think sometimes we miss it until it's not there anymore. You know?

As we walk into this new year, I hope we can all really embrace the beauty of LIFE. It's so precious; and it's so short.

When I pick up that thousandth dish that I have to wash, I need to look at it as an opportunity to live. When I change that oh-so-stinky diaper, I need to remember that the number of diapers I change are just going to be going down, not up, because before I know it my babies will be teenagers! The unpleasant things are just as much a part of life as the pleasant ones. And there is beauty in those things because it means that I'm still living. I'm still apart of this gift called life.

Anyway, I'm just grateful for life today, guys. πŸ’ž LIFE is a gift. πŸ’ž

~ Lizzie

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