Friday, May 22, 2015

Truths of Life

Truths of Life
Sometimes life seems so confusing!
Things happen that I only wish I could understand!
I know God sends trials to help us, but often times I don’t know how they really help me!
I find myself asking the well known “Why this, Why that” questions more and more!

Why does my life seem to be falling apart!
Why can’t I obey my Savior and do as He says!
Why do I always want to run away from problems but never can!
Why do my emotions always get the best of me!
Why am I so selfish and full of misery!

Nothing seems to fit, I feel like I can’t go on anymore!
I get weighed down with discouragement and just want to quit!
I think and do things that I regret!
Oh, please someone tell me what is going on, I seem to shout inside!

Yes, all of the above thoughts seem to flood my mind, but that is only because my eyes are not where they should be.

When I look at God’s perspective of the truth of life and how He views my life, all those uncertain questions and worries turn around to something quite different and much more encouraging.

Life may be confusing, but I can trust in God!
God understands everything that goes on in my life and gives me the grace to carry on!
God sends me trials to build me up and make me strong!
When I have so many “why’s” God always answers them in His time.
When nothing seems to fit, God gives me the courage and strength to follow on!
When I get weighed down and discouraged, God always sends something or someone to brighten my day!
When I think and do things that I shouldn’t, My Savior always forgives me and so willing forgets my sins!

Yes, my God can turn my night to day!! He’s my great Encourager and Leader into the right and most perfect way!!

Copyrighted 2009 By: Elizabeth Anne Shull

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