Monday, March 1, 2021

Sarah, It's Who You Are

Sarah, you are created in the image of God.
Yes, I know that might sound odd.

When you've spent so long not knowing your worth,
It may take some time for these truths to be unearthed.

Sarah, there are some things I need you to know.
So that we can both begin to heal and grow.

Sarah, you are fearfully and wonderfully made.
Through you, God's glory is being displayed.

Sarah, you are loved; you are precious.
It doesn't take much for you to impress us.

Sarah, you are so strong and brave.
I see you struggling to know how to behave.   

You feel like you don't belong.
You are so afraid to do wrong.

So afraid of rejection that you hide your shine,
Your love of beauty and all things fine.

Sarah, you are kind, loving, helpful, gentle, sweet,
Passionate, independent, flexible, organized, and neat.

Positive, funny, joyful, creative, energetic,
Curious, thoughtful, observant, loyal and empathetic.

Sarah, I know you are thinking that I must be blind,
But when I think of you, all of these come to mind.

I hope someday you'll see through the pain.
And once again be able to dance in the rain.

If you can look past all the sin that surrounded you,
You'd see all you are really did and does have value.

I want you to believe that you are enough
And let go of all that negative stuff.

I want you to sing and let us all listen
To the beautiful melodies we've been miss'in.

Bring that joy back into your step;
Smile, don't hide it, let us see your pep. 

You are a nurturer, musician, and artist,
Don't be silent or hold back, I insist.

The time to adapt and change are gone.
Now you are free to break through the dawn.

Sarah, you were once told you were bad and must be rejected,
Don't listen to those voices because by God you've been elected! 

A miracle, God wanted you to be born.
He made you His own to adorn. 

He gave you a heart full of compassion, a lover of life and Earth,
He chose you and loved you long before your birth. 

I hope someday you will finally see,
The beauty you have to offer and just be.

God created you
Fearfully, wonderfully.
You're beautiful!
And I know you
Haven't heard that lately.
But it's true.
That is you. 
The world tried to beat you down.
And so have I.
But as I cry
I realize, I need you.
You are a part of me.
This I now see.
And you're beautiful. 

It's time I set you free.
It's time I broke your chains.
It's okay to be you.
It's okay to come out and play. 
Every pain that you've endured
Have been seen by your Lord. 

~ Lizzie Aug. 6, 2020

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