Monday, February 17, 2020

The Fairy-tale I have come to hate... (Sept. 23, 2018)

I hate the story of Cinderella...where abuse is romanticized. For a time, she is this helpless victim trapped in a horrible situation and told to deal with it with a smile and "have courage and be kind".

But this woman was abused!!! Treated like trash. There wouldn't be a complete happy ending just cuz she got out of the situation by getting married. Where are the parts where after she's married, she wakes up in the middle of the night barely able to breathe because she just relived her past in her dreams and again she feels trapped and helpless. Where is the real stuff?!

When you've been abused, it doesn't just go away because you are no longer in the situation, no, it stays. You battle it in your mind every day. Some days are good days, some not so good. It's pretty impossible to control.

I hate Cinderella because I understand her and what she went through too much. And there is nothing romantic about that story.

At least she got justice though. At least her abusers were made to pay in some way for the hurt they caused her, but even that only happens in a fairytale.

In real life, some times people get away with abusing others and live on to do it until the day they die. Sometimes they abuse you in the name of Jesus and it can make you mad or even wonder if they actually have the security of a heavenly home cuz you feel they don't deserve it. But none of us deserve it. That's what's it's all about. Giving grace to others even if they don't give it to you. Forgiving even when they've never repented. But still there is a desire to see some kind of justice, but I doubt that desire is any good; it's probably just the old man wanting some kind of revenge. Better to leave the justice in the hands of God.   

God gives the power to forgive when you've never been apologized to. He gives peace and grace when you feel trapped. He rescues you. He tells you it will be okay when you are shaking so much in fear that you can't breathe. God brings your mind back to the present and reminds you that you are safe. He reminds you of your beautiful family and all He has blessed you with. He reminds you that He's got your back. He reminds you that even when you feel alone and like you have no one, you are never alone cuz He's always with you. He has NEVER abandoned you. He has always been loyal and faithful. He can be trusted. God is there. He will get you through.

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