Monday, February 17, 2020

Time - My Enemy (Sept. 18, 2019)

Lately, Time has felt like my enemy. It's something that I just never have enough of. Days, weeks, months and years just zip by often leaving me behind. I have an alarm on my phone for everything; every hour of every day is filled to the max. Time is so bossy. It pushes me forward to the next thing when I haven't finished the first. Yet at the same time, I'm often feeling like I'm swimming up current. Like Time is moving so fast, yet I can't reach it. I can't keep up with it. I'm fighting to move forward, yet not moving very quickly. I don't wanna blink else I might miss something. Time, are you my enemy? I believe you are. In not time at all, I'll be older, my kids will be older. All that I now know will be gone. Take as my pics as I can, but that all I'll have left and maybe a few memories, but this time will fade. Time is a thief. Time is pain. The speed of life can make one feel a little hopeless, even purposeless. Time is money - time is valuable. It's something I want so much more of, yet I can't grasp it. I can't have more. I've only got what I have been given and idk how much that is. Time is like currency, but at least with currency there is more of an absolute. If one puts in the time at work, one will come home knowing you will have a reward for your labors, but it's not so with time. With time, there are no promises, no guarantees. Time can cause depression. When you reach a certain age and you haven't accomplished the life goals you thought you would by now. Time can feel like a bully.

So what is the answer? How do we defeat the enemy called Time? How do we find hope as we watch it push us forward into new things we don't feel ready for? How do we have patience for something as we watch years pass and can't see God at work? How do we sit and wait it out and just be still when Time is robbing us of what we want?

There is something that can defeat this enemy. It's God. I can look to Him. I can trust Him. I can hand my time over to Him and wait on Him. I can believe in His Word and His goodness. I will believe that He works everything out for my good. I will believe in His precious promise of an eternity with Him and fellow believers. I will find my hope in Him. I will share my thoughts, cares and burdens to Him. I will lean on Him when I couldn't finish my duties because I lacked time or energy. He is the only way. He is the only One able to defeat the enemy of Time. Time is no match for Him. He is my answer. He is my hope. I will trust Him in this fast-paced season. I will trust Him when it comes to Time.

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